Friday, July 6, 2007


Right now it's 4:30 in the morning and I'm somewhere outside of Los Angeles at one of the pimpest houses I've ever been in.

I'll start this story at the Che Cafe, where our new merch guy, a hitchhiker from PA named Eric, offered me some kale, chard and spinach to munch on. He asked to accompany us up to northern CA/San Francisco area, so we obliged, picked him up at the Che where he had been sleeping on an couch outside for the past few days, and now we have a guy to keep an eye on our stuff!

The drive up to Long Beach was an easy one, and will hopefully spell out how the rest of tour will go for us. But, the first 15 minutes into driving Mr. Hanks, it started smoking and smelling like burnt rubber. I freaked a little inside, thinking that it would all end there and none of the work was worth it. But it turns out there was just some excess gas fluid on the new brakes we just had installed.

We played the Prospector tonight in Long Beach, like Snoop Dogg Long Beach... the LBC baby. We showed up at the time they told us to, but when we got there another band was already loading in and they told us we had to close at that point since the next two bands were sharing equipment. It was kind of a one band in-one band out type of place. Teeny. But the stage was really cool and we had this weird oil light shining on us the whole time. They made all the young ones stay outside until is was time to play, which was pretty lame, but understandable. So we were allotted something like 25 or 30 minutes to play, did a 5 song set, and I think a pretty damn good job of attracting the remaining attention from the audience and workers. The people accumulated rather than dissipated.

I think the most exciting parts of the night occurred on the street right outside the band entrance directly before and after our set. As we were waiting for the band right before us to finish, Bill, one of the guys that worked there, came out and informed us that the bassist in the band (Highway) was Peter from the Dandy Warhols. Having just watched Dig! again, it was pretty mind blowing. And then he said that Anton was supposed to DJ tonight, but flaked out because he's not very reliable in general. At one point, EJ stated to the crowd, "I wouldn't stay for your set if I were the last Dandy on earth!" It was classic, and several audience members adopted the hand to mouth "no he didn't!" gesture. During our set Eric got kicked out for being young, and decided to take a walk. He came back as we were loading back up and worrying that he left permanently or that we lost him. There was this bum guy trailing behind him who Eric had just spent time talking to and sharing cigarettes with, without the intention of bringing him back. The guy followed anyway and began to harass us for change! We all said no, finished loading as fast as possible, and took off to where I am right now. Evan/Nave's house. His older brother does artwork for Ed Templeton, which is siiiiiiiick!

So as for tonight, I can rightfully say that a Dandy Warhol opened for us, a bum tried to close us down, and right now I'm about to pass out in this La-Z-Boy.

Here's what we played:

Sword In Hand
Lindsay Lohan
Cowardly Cobra
I Want A Girl Who Knows HTML



loved reading your blog .... very glad your trip got off to a pretty good start - keep up the great writing. miss you all already - erika

Melina said...

Well thank goodness nothing was wrong with the van! Sounds like a solid start with the tour, i didnt know the Eric guy is riding with you guys haha. Does he stay the night with you too? I read the blog to jesse and we both send you guys love.

Jill Solomon said...

please keep eric around till i meet up with you guys. thanks, jill.